You search for something unique because you are unique

We are eager to customize our products and services to match your DNA, those services are available in English, French and Italian.

We believe that Change is a permanent state and therefore we support the companies to become Learning Organisations and the individuals to become Emerging Practice Leaders through personal mastery.

Our operating environment is always more Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous; it requires constant adaptation for the individuals and the structures. Taylorism is over and the business structures need to evolve, the organisations need to be reinvented.

At Acceleration Lab, we support organisations, teams and individuals to embrace the VUCA with services and support to fit the specific needs of organisations, units and individuals. We understand that to change an organisation, a number of individual changes need to take place. A collateral consequence is that when an individual changed, this will affect the organisation.


The systemic agility transformation

You feel caught in a culture that brings your organization to its best but looks like an issue now to address the emerging effervescent context. You understand the advantages of the agile organization and you don’t know where to start to create a transformational move that will restore the balance for the best of all stakeholders, employees and clients. We will help you with our Systemic Agility Transformation program.

From legacy to agile organization

Measure and develop the organisation agility to keep your context in check by developing the 6 domains that sustain flow and performance (Purpose, Management, Organisation, Information, Agile practices, Agile behaviours)

Improve the overall performance of the organisation, the satisfaction of your customers and employees, create an adaptive leadership, increase the ownership at all the level and develop permanent adaptive response to your environment

The Systemic Agility Index report helps to understand where each unit of your organization stands. That’s the start of developing each unit with what it really needs.

From “job description” to “agile behaviours”

Help the individuals, teams and the organisation to better act together leveraging on behavioural agility postures and levers (Cooperation: synchronisation and systemic empathy – Anticipation: proaction and situational intelligence – Innovation: pedagogy and constructive rebellion).

Improve collaboration within the team and across the organisation, leverage on collective intelligence, develop an individual sense of responsibility, improve customer satisfaction and employees satisfaction, create adaptive leadership at all level…



You like the concept of “doing more with less” but you struggle with the method to make this concept comes true. With the behavioural agility program, we will support the individuals and the groups to build collective intelligence, moving from heroics to collective actions leveraging on the proper postures to keep the context in check.



You plan to transform your organization culture and know that 70% of those transformation fails according to John Kotter. You know where you are and where you want to go; we will help in measuring where each unit is between the old and new culture leveraging on our Polar Culture Index to feed each of them with appropriate nutrient and therefore speed up your transformation process bringing forward the benefits of the program.

From the “version 1.0” to the “version 2.0” of your organisation

Measure and develop the organisation according to own target culture and desired practices.

Align the organisation to its (new) target culture, building on actual assets.

The bespoke cultural transformation starts with the definition of the legacy and target values. When done, the organization is assessed to evaluate the respective positioning of each unit. In this sample, the length of the bar represents the dispersion of the unit in between the legacy and the target value.

Enabling complexity management within the organization

We support you in the organizational changes with our guidance based on the last findings on neurosciences and complexity management starting from where you are and leveraging on your DNA.

According to John Kotter, 70% of the organizational changes fail. With our Appreciative Consulting approach, we help in maximizing the impact of your organizational change projects and be part of 30% of the organizational changes that work.

Our Organisational Development pathway

In our view, OD is twofold: it must address people and organisational structures.

Individuals and organisations are interlinked; the success of any change program has to be seen as the Cartesian product of the individual transformation within an organisation structure.

Our Appreciative Consulting method factors in the latest findings in neuroscience to support individual change and the theories on complexity, the emergence of new organisational forms and system thinking to support organisational modelling.

There are no best nor good practices to be applied when it comes to dealing with complex situations, only Emerging Practices…

Our Appreciative OD Methodology promotes the ”snowball” approach, experimenting changes with a pilot unit and rolling out positive learnings leveraging on the strength of human capital’s strengths and support the organisation to fulfil client needs.

To move towards your target, a number of adjustment loops are performed taking into consideration the current conditions

Because the context is constantly evolving, adaptive loops are executed to approach the target; typical questions during the adaptive loop are:

  • What should we do more?
  • What should we do less?
  • What should we stop?
  • What are the conditions that have changed in our context?

Organizational Development

The organizational development relies on individuals, groups and organization. With this in mind, we will support you in the development and the roll-out of your OD program leveraging on our appreciative consulting approach leveraging on what works and creating small experiments and learn from the field to favour emerging practices. We promote learning organization practice to ensure rapid autonomy.



In our training programs, we promote experiment and research to enable participants to build new perspectives and create the foundation for a sustainable change of habits. You can choose from our ready to learn catalogue. We will be glad to tailor or create new content to address your needs at best.

Experiencing on the skin improves the embodiment

“Scientific principles and laws do not lie on the surface of nature. They are hidden, and must be wrested from nature by an active and elaborate technique of inquiry.”
John Dewey, Reconstruction in Philosophy

In our training programs, we promote experiment and research to enable participants to build new perspectives and create the foundation for a sustainable change of habits.

Maximize the ROI on your training investment. Experiential training increases the impact on the individuals and thanks to our approach impact are anchored (coaching post learning) and measured (assessment before and after the event).

1. Assess (optional) – Participants are taking part in an assessment to correctly measure their current effectiveness, this assessment can be individual or team based and combines feedback from multiple stakeholders.

2.Prepare (optional) – Participants prepare themselves for the training. Since the training is essentially experiential, only key concepts are prepared before the training (theory, case study). Personal objectives can also be established at this stage.

3. Experience – During the training, the participants are exposed to simulation, role play, case study and games to build their own experiences in a safe environment where mistakes are welcomed. At the end of the session, participants discuss and share their findings, establishing their own personal strategies to be applied in a working environment.

4.Coach (optional) – The knowledge gained during the training is often difficult to implement in working environments as humans are hardwired to repeat familiar patterns. Coaching can be individual or in a group.

5.Measure (Optional) – At the end of the training, progress is assessed measuring the achievement of the personal and/or team objectives set. A review of the initial assessment is conducted with each participant and/or team.

Ready for VUCA:

Build personal, organizational and system mastery to effectively deal in a VUCA environment.

Building collective intelligence:

Leveraging on behavioural agility (acting together), the participants will learn how to build collective intelligence. With collective intelligence, 1+1=3 (or more); the difference between the mathematical sum and the final result is due to emerging characteristics of playing chords together.

The behavioural agility:

Learning how to adapt to the context more than to personal need for the greater good of all the involved stakeholders, leveraging on neurosciences.

Certification in Systemic Agility:

The certification in Systemic Agility will provide the participants with all the knowledge and tools to use the Systemic Agility index to support organizations to transform towards more agile forms.

Systemic agility for leaders:

How to leverage on Systemic Agility and its 6 domains to maintain its own context in check and maximize the outcome of the system for the greater good of all the involved stakeholders.

From transaction to transformational leadership:

It’s a fresher version of the theory X and Y developed by McGregor that take into consideration the globalized environment and the major changes that hit us during the last decade.

The consultant posture:

That’s not about learning tips and tricks to manage difficult cases, it’s a transformation program to change own perspective and embody the changes through improved presence, adapted action and communication, reading and adaption to the context.

Problem-solving, leveraging on creativity:

The program will lead the participants on a course of experiments to discover and identify the various type of problems that arise in today’s context, ranging from simple, complicated, complex and chaotic. They will establish the difference between best, good, emerging and novel practice through a number of simulation. The participants will be exposed to the system thinking practice to understand the nature of the system and ensure the effectiveness of their solutions.

Managing boundaries:

Am I aware of my limits? Where are there? Do I comunicate them to my counterparties? Do my counterparties understand them? How can I leverage on my (known) limits as starting point to growth? That’s a number of questions that are explored during that learning event. As an option, limits in corporations can be added to the program as basis for negociation and business development.

Regardless of whether you are seeking something different or still figuring out the initial issues we are here to help. We can help perform the initial analysis and address the underlying issues, not the symptoms.

Supporting people and groups finding and polishing their own diamonds

Supporting individuals and teams to develop emerging practices and new mental maps.

Our Appreciative Coaching for individuals, managers and teams helps deliver the potential. Our approach helps to rework their mental maps to act in a VUCA environment, enabling everyone to become emerging practice leaders and be the catalyst for OD change.

Embracing the VUCA requires adjusting own behaviour much more than personal expertise. This requires persistence and focus, coaching provides the frame and the processes to make it effective.

The coaching is provided in support of:

  • Our Appreciative Consulting services to unleash the full potential of key resources during our OD missions.
  • Our Collective & Experiential learning to integrate into daily practice the insights gathered by the individuals during our training sessions.

Coaching services can be delivered as a single service to individuals and teams who are facing transformation issues in a VUCA environment.



We coach employees, managers, executive and groups to help them reach their objectives. Coaching can be used to anchor learnings coming from experiential learning or in the context of an organizational development program but also address specific needs. We rework the mental maps to act in a VUCA environment, enabling everyone to become emerging practice leaders and be the catalyst for your OD change.



Our key product that measures the agility of your organization comparing the activation of 6 specific domains versus the VUCAness of the context. The Systemic Agility Index is the organization X-Ray picture showing the agility and resilience status of each team, unit, business line and finally the organization. We are welcoming OD consultants to become certified to use this effective method.

Use our assessment on systemic agility to support organisational growth

Measure and compare with others the organisation agility to keep your context in check by developing the 6 domains that sustain flow and performance (Purpose, Management, Organisation, Information, Agile practices, Agile behaviours)

Know where you are and improve the overall performance of the organisation, the satisfaction of your customers and employees, create an adaptive leadership, increase the ownership at all the level and develop a permanent adaptive response to your environment

The Systemic Agility Index report helps to understand where each unit of your organization stands. That’s the start of developing each unit with what it really needs.

Use our assessment on cultural transformation to support organisational development

Measure and develop the organisation according to own target culture and desired practices.

Align the organisation to its (new) target culture, building on actual assets.



This product measures the distance between an original culture and the desired culture. As the Systemic Agility Index, it is the organization X-Ray picture showing the distance status of each team, unit, business line and finally the organization. It helps to provide each unit with what it needs to progress towards the desired culture.



Time available to train your staff is always less. With our Bespoke MOOC services, we provide you with turnkey solutions. We expect from you the necessary guidance on the content to be shared within your organization, and we will do the rest: building online content video and adapted content, provisioning of the learning platform as a service, including tracking progress and reporting on quiz performance if required.

Fully customised turn key solutions to train your resources on-line

Providing you with online learning turnkey solutions leveraging on your desired content and company DNA.

  • Flexibility, users train when they  want
  • Costs effectiveness (starting from a given number of users, depends on length and content)
  • Reusable, such as an on-boarding program that can be learned by all new joiners when they reach the organisation
  • Fully customised to your organisation
  • Invest once and ensure that all your staff members are exposed to consistent information
  • Get rid of all the technical issues generated when building online learning within the company’s infrastructure.

A sample MOOC chapter will be made available soon.

So What’s next?

Are You Ready? Let’s Work!