AccelerationLab news

Validity of the Systemic Agility model, outcomes from the research

In an always more Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous environment, companies must adapt to keep their context in check The purpose of this post is to share and discuss the...
AccelerationLab news

Webinar to speak about Systemic Agility and its benefits.

You were not able to join our Webinar on May 22, 2020? You were there but want to review some bit and pieces? Here you go with the replay of…


Employability, the ostrich policy?

Is it a dream to see each company investing in an employability program in partnership with its employees to design and build their (common) future? Change is not obvious when you know where to go; without a destination, it’s just impossible!


Comfortable in the Uncomfortable

What would you say if you were requested to write a report on a typewriter, using carbon paper to produce multiple copies? Obsolete, antiquated, Inefficient, retrograde… We all agree, technology…


Certainty to avoid winning and getting tired…

I remember that day when the CEO of the company I was working for asked me: “how is the situation?”. I answered him: “well, it’s like going uphill on a…

AccelerationLab news

Introduction to Systemic Agility

The target objective followed when unfolding Systemic Agility is to (re)discover a “flow state” within the system itself and for all its components (Customers, Staff, Leaders, Shareholders and Supplier). The…