In an always more Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous environment, companies must adapt to keep their context in check

The purpose of this post is to share and discuss the Systemic Agility model, that explores the adaptation of an organisation to its context.

The model is rooted in the existing literatures and uses quantitative methods to investigate on organizations’ adaptation. Inner organization’s observations are used to position its culture in a continuum bounded by modern and postmodern perspectives. Outer observations are used to quantify the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) characteristics of the environment. The association of all the observations reveals the fit level of an organization to its context; the unfit consequences may be associated with tensions and stress that may impede efficacy. The model is generic, and the positioning revealed by the organization’s culture, the instantiation of structure like Holacracy, Sociocracy or Teal may fit with its postmodern perspective.

This research factors observations reported by 1118 persons employed by 26 companies in France, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany. All organizations active in the Bank-Insurance, Health, IT, Manufacturer and Consulting sectors. The analysis has been carried forward on an individual observation basis, and when possible, on companies’ average figures.

What did we find?

The model and the questionnaire appear consistent under the lenses of the gathered observations analysed with the Confirmatory Factor Analysis. This suggests that the Systemic Agility may be used to further explore the adaptation of an organisation to its context, the creation of wellbeing and the reductions of inner tensions.

As practical implication, the model may be used by companies as a gauge to assess their positioning, while using the specific levers and variables to pilot their adaptation to the changing context. From a study standpoint, this opens the door to further investigations to analyse the relationships between an organisation’s Systemic Agility and its global performance.

Willing to know more?

Listen to the conversation between Dana Malcova and Xavier Bronlet to gain insights on the research methodology and findings.

The results of the research have been presented to the EBOR conference on May 21-23 (Poland). The paper is available on Research Gate.

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